Warshaw Burstein LLP | Emerging Tech Law Group
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Launch to Success!

The Emerging Technologies Law Group is a leader in the rapidly evolving field of technology law, ensuring that your startup or growing venture not only complies with existing regulations but also gains a competitive edge through strategic legal planning.


James A. Wolff Appointed to Several New York City Bar Association Committees

Counsel James A. Wolff has recently been appointed to the New York City Bar Association's Corporate Law Committee, Emerging Companies and Venture Capital Committee, and the Aerospace and Space Law Committee.


James Wolff Speaks at Future of Humanity Summit 2024

Warshaw Burstein Counsel James A. Wolff attended the third annual Future of Humanity Summit in Washington, D.C., where he spoke on a panel of AI experts addressing the need for unification in the artificial intelligence space.

  •  James Anthony Wolff

    James Anthony Wolff

    Our practice leader, James A. Wolff, as a corporate attorney, has been deeply involved in shaping the legal landscape for companies operating within emerging technologies and innovative sectors.