Warshaw Burstein LLP | Emerging Tech Law Group | Commercial Space and Aerospace Companies
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Practice Areas

Commercial Space and Aerospace Companies

  • Assist space startups in their incorporations and IP strategies
  • Advise prospective orbital tourism travelers
  • Buy and selling vehicles and related asset purchases and sales
  • Assist in the drafting and presentation of various high-level policy proposals
  • Provide regulatory guidance on satellite deployment and space debris management
  • Negotiate international agreements for joint space exploration and technology sharing
  • Provide legal counsel on space resource utilization and mining rights, including compliance with international space law
  • Assist in developing and implementing cybersecurity protocols for space-based assets and ground control systems

In the rapidly evolving frontier of commercial space and aerospace, our firm stands as a beacon of legal expertise, guiding innovators and entrepreneurs through the complexities of this exciting industry. We understand that the challenges faced by space-oriented ventures are as vast as the cosmos itself, requiring a unique blend of legal acumen and technological insight.

For space startups, we offer comprehensive support from the ground up, assisting with incorporations and developing robust IP strategies. We recognize that in this field, intellectual property is not just about protecting ideas—it's about securing your place in the stars. Our team works diligently to ensure your innovations are safeguarded, allowing you to focus on pushing the boundaries of what's possible in space exploration and commercialization.

As the dream of orbital tourism inches closer to reality, our firm is at the forefront of advising prospective space travelers. We navigate the uncharted legal territories of space tourism, addressing everything from liability concerns to the nuances of space law. Our goal is to ensure that your journey to the stars is not only exhilarating but also legally sound.

In the dynamic market of space vehicles and related assets, our expertise shines in facilitating purchases and sales. We understand that these transactions are far more complex than traditional asset deals, involving cutting-edge technology and international regulations. Our team meticulously handles every aspect of these high-stakes transactions, ensuring smooth transfers and compliance with all relevant laws.

Recognizing the pivotal role of policy in shaping the future of space exploration, we assist in drafting and presenting high-level policy proposals. Our attorneys combine legal expertise with a deep understanding of the space industry to craft compelling proposals that address current needs while anticipating future developments. We work closely with industry leaders and policymakers to help shape a regulatory environment that fosters innovation while ensuring safety and sustainability in space.

As the skies above become increasingly crowded, we provide crucial regulatory guidance on satellite deployment and space debris management. Our team stays abreast of the latest international guidelines and best practices, helping you navigate the complex web of regulations surrounding orbital operations. We work tirelessly to ensure your satellite projects not only comply with current standards but also contribute to the long-term sustainability of space activities.

In the spirit of global cooperation that defines space exploration, we excel in negotiating international agreements for joint ventures and technology sharing. Our attorneys bring a nuanced understanding of international space law and diplomacy to the table, facilitating collaborations that transcend borders. We help forge partnerships that not only advance scientific knowledge but also navigate the intricate legal and political landscapes of international space cooperation.